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Sumo'nun inanılmaz yaratıcı araç seçimini web sitenize veya uygulamanıza tamamen ücretsiz olarak entegre etmek için API'mizi kullanın!

Sumopaint API'si

Değişken ismi Varsayılan değer Tanım
bg opaque Image background (opaque, transparent, hex)
title Untitled Image name
layer Layer 1 Layer name
target /works Path to POST the data
width 800 Force image width
height 600 Force image height
zoom 0 Start zoom level (0 = zoom to fit, 100 = 100%)
work Work slug to be opened
url Image URL to be opened
mask Mask image URL to be on top
maskmode 0 Mask in saving (0=hide,1=include,2=exclude)
opt Optional data as string

Integrate Sumopaint to your website

Embed with iframe:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Example 1: Save to your API with target parameter


<?php if(isset($_POST["imagedata"])) print '<img src="'.$_POST["imagedata"].'" />'; ?>

Example 2: Start with image url

Example 3: Use mask and image size

Example 4: Use mask mode for different outputs

Mask image (transparent)

Maske resmi

Image url (original)

Resim url'si

Maskmode = 0 (default)

Maske modu 0

Export in maskmode = 1

Maske modu 1

Export in maskmode = 2

Maske modu 2

Save target data to your server

INNI example (sumo.php)

<?php if(!isset($_POST["imagedata"])) exit("imagedata not found"); $code = "create-unique-image-code-here"; $data = str_replace(' ','+',str_replace('data:image/png;base64,','',$_POST["imagedata"])); $image = imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($data)); imagepng($image,"/var/www/images/sumo/".$code.".png"); header("Location:".$code); ?>

PHP example sources

Download example sources from below:

PHP example sources