Sumo Edu 是一个教师平台,一个完整的创意工具包,包含 8 个易于使用的应用程序,并支持建议的课程计划。
该平台使教师能够教授学生重要的学术和生活技能,以建立自信和未来的能力。借助 Sumo 创意工具,教师可以帮助学生以有趣、令人兴奋和引人入胜的方式发现自己的能力和独特才能。

- 8 创意应用
- 教师教案
- 教师指南
- 教程和支持
- 学习评估模板
- 学习评价模板
该平台使任何人都可以创作电影、创作歌曲、编写游戏代码和开发 3D 模型。在一个平台上使用所有工具。内置功能还支持小组项目和协作团队合作。

SumoEdu 帮助学生学习创造力和未来技能,我们很高兴为教师提供课程计划和支持。为了向教师提供有关如何在课堂上使用这些应用程序的灵感和想法,我们为每个 Sumo 应用程序创建了易于应用的课程计划。

这就是我们建立 Sumo Edu 的原因,这是一个提供教师支持和课程计划的社区,可帮助您使用 Sumo 创意工具以有趣和令人兴奋的方式教授孩子重要的学术和生活技能,让他们保持参与。通过 Sumo,他们也将超越其他学术基准和学习成果!

Sumo Edu 非常适合教师,我们很高兴支持您和您的学生创造性地学习——以及学习创造力! Sumo Edu 适合所有 5 岁及以上的学生,无论他们参加哪种学校课程:公立学校、特许学校、私立学校、公立学校、华德福学校、艺术学校或以 STEM 为重点的学校。在家上学的学生也可以使用 Sumo Edu 做得更好!
Sumo Edu 以一流的芬兰国家课程为蓝本,并与英国国家课程和共同核心课程保持一致,但旨在加强和改进这些现有的最低课程。任何州或任何国家/地区的教师都可以使用它来轻松支持他们现有的课程,并在 COVID-19 引起的变化中保持学生的参与度。
旨在成为 Chromebook 的最佳教育平台
Sumo Edu 在 Web 浏览器中 100% 在线工作。无需下载任何内容,正因如此,Sumo Edu 是使用 Chromebook 处理项目的中学生和高中生的最佳应用程序 - 无论是在课堂上还是在家里做作业,Sumo Edu 都能轻松出色地工作在 Chromebook 上,因为我们精心打造它,尤其是考虑到学生和老师! - 永远不需要下载任何东西!
Sumo Edu helps students learn creativity along with skills for the future, and we are excited to provide lesson plans and support for teachers as well as partner with new teacher training programs so that you’re all able to use Sumo Edu to help your kids learn essential skills. The Sumo Suite can aid in everything ranging from math skills like geometry with 3D modelling in Sumo3D and algebra and coding in Sumocode, to creating and editing videos and photos for history projects using Sumopaint, Sumovideo, and Sumophoto.
Pupils can include their own musical compositions into their lessons with Sumotunes, record dictations for podcasting or create audio segments, language coursework or theatrical readings with Sumoaudio, and combine their creations from different Sumo tools into one final project with pieces created in different mediums. This makes Sumo Edu great for mixed-media activities as well as collaborative work and group projects that play to different students’ strengths individually. With Sumo Edu your students will be learning creativity alongside these skills and enjoying the learning process as their teachers are still able to assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject area curricula.
即使在平时,我们也明白老师和家长很难使用孩子们掌握得更快的新技术。我们都希望帮助孩子们为他们最美好的未来做好准备,同时让他们的老师更轻松!帮助孩子是重中之重,所以支持老师对我们来说非常重要!由于不断变化的冠状病毒情况,要保证这么多孩子、老师和家庭的安全真的很困难,而 Sumo Edu 可以帮助做到这一点!
内置支持小组项目和协作工作的功能,这些是现代工作场所所需的技能,因此使用 Sumo 的学生将能够在毕业时为进一步的学习或工作生活做好充分准备(如果需要)。

Best of all, Sumo Edu helps keep kids engaged while distance learning or in hybrid models which may be necessary due to the pandemic. It’s so fun and feels like a game to students, while teaching them important skills they will need to stay ahead of the changing professional landscape and to have the best future possible. The intuitive and gamified apps will make you want to keep using them as a necessary part of your curriculum even as things eventually (hopefully soon!) go back to a more normal situation.

Sumo Edu 以一流的芬兰国家课程为蓝本,并与英国国家课程和共同核心课程保持一致,但旨在加强和改进这些现有的最低课程。任何州或任何国家/地区的教师都可以使用它来轻松支持他们现有的课程,并在 COVID-19 引起的变化中保持学生的参与度。
SumoEdu 的教学法和循证设计原则建立在坚持 K12 教育最新研究建议的最佳实践之上。
SumoEdu 结合了 IES — 教育科学研究所 — What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) 概述的最佳实践。
提升 21 世纪技能
The pedagogy and evidence-based design principles that Sumo Edu was built upon uphold best practices suggested by the most current research in K12 education. Sumo Edu incorporates most of the best practices outlined by the IES — Institute of Education Sciences’ — What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). We set out to ensure Sumo Edu is a product and platform that answers the questions “what works in education?” and “what digital interventions are needed now?” This helps guarantee better student success and that students’ outcomes improve because they’ve learned and created within Sumo.
We’d love to help you and all the teachers in your school teach with Sumo Edu. It’s a set of tools to teach creativity that actually works. Sumo Edu is also great for Pandemic Pods and homeschoolers too, because it engages pupils so they have better self-directed learning habits and project-based learning skills. In schools, it makes the teacher’s job easier so you can help students be more creative and succeed. By nurturing their creativity with Sumo Edu they will do better at their exams, even with an ongoing global pandemic.
伸手有关我们如何维护和保护儿童隐私的信息,请阅读我们的学生隐私政策 这里.